i Note i SMT Assembly service is an affordable service where certain components are soldered to the board for you. Not every current component is compatible with this service. I recommend using this as its time consuming to solder these very tiny components.
i Note i If you used the SMT assembly service, you do not need to order those parts again.
i Note i Not all parts make sense to order individually. I recommend ordering the 603 footprint resistors and capacitors as part of variety book set.
Solder components onto circuit board in the order below with a Soldering Iron{Qty:1, cat: tool}. A strategy that has worked well with small chips is to use a soldering iron with very fine 0.3mm solder. First place some solder onto each pad for the component, then place component with Grabber Tool{Qty:1, cat: tool} and press into place with tweezers and gently touch each lead from the component with the soldering iron until the solder melts around it.
i Note i a Curved Soldering Iron Tip{Qty: 1, cat: tool} will help solder SMD components to board.
i Note i If you used the SMT service, some of these parts may already be installed.
i Note i a Straight Soldering Iron Tip{Qty: 1, Cat: tool} will help solder through hole components to board.
If ordered any breakout boards (ADS1115, AD9833, Arduino, etc.), solder male pin headers to each board.
Attach each breakout board and Arduino into respective sockets.
Currently no sketch is available.